Summer 2024
Summer 2024
About Andy Scates
Since 2005 Andy has spent the last few years making Footie Tots and Footie Wizards the successful brands they are today. Prior to this, he worked in the City for 15 years, so his career move was literally life-changing.
In Andy's words:“It couldn’t be more different from the work I used to do”.
Footie Tots provides young children with an introduction to the world of fitness and football, and teaches basic ball skills, whilst kids enjoy lots of goals and fun along the way.
Andy runs football classes in venues in Twickenham,Teddington and Hampton, with another football coach running sessions in Thames Ditton. Footie Tots teaches basic football skills – including kicking goals – to children ages 2.5 to 5 years, and Footie Wizards develops the football skills of the 5 to 8 year old age group. “Small children (including plenty of girls) love being introduced to the idea of team work and learn new football skills they can practice at home”
Can you really teach pre-schoolers football?
“It’s a great age to start. It really builds a child’s stability, agility and co-ordination and, as soon as these things reach a certain developmental point, they are ready to start kicking goals. We also introduce matches during the coaching sessions too, with competitive games kicking in when a child reaches around the age of 7.”
A child is more likely to enjoy a sports programme if he or she is treated as an individual with specific needs, skills and learning style. Children also need to be given merit for their ability and feel included at all times. This is where the motivation and ability of the class provider is key. Footie Tots is unique because Andy works at the pace and ability of each child. Why? Because he understands and adores kids! “I am a father of three children and my two sons actively play football” says Andy. “So I’m naturally very comfortable talking to, being with and coaching children.” Andy lives locally and his children go to school in the area, which gives him lots in common with the many parents he meets.
Andy is dedicated to football and takes enormous pleasure in seeing the children he coaches develop. “I really enjoy seeing boys and girls flourish” he says “it’s enormously rewarding.” Andy is also Head Coach at a local Football Club and many of his Tots and Wizards progress into teams there or join local football clubs. Others progress into professional Academies with which Andy has a number of links.